Home / Automotive / Cars / Hot Wheels Darth Vader Car Comes To Life At Jay Leno's Garage


Darth Vader Hot Wheels car comes to life with Jay Leno's garage.

With a company like Hot Wheels, something incredible really came to life. Not only were they able to take children’s interest in the world of fast cars and convert it into something that they can physically touch but they also took the real world of cars and formed something that’s a lot more drastic and interesting to look at.

While there’s definitely an appreciation to be had for the Hot Wheels creations that resemble real-life vehicles, it’s also pretty easy to get into some other cars that are custom creations, observing themes and taking creative liberties in making sure that they come together to make an interesting piece to stimulate the senses.

With the Darth Vader Hot Wheels car, you get not only a pretty aggressive looking machine but also one that takes cues from one of the most popular bad guys to ever be featured on a movie screen. The Star Wars inspired ride really is one that can capture your attention, even if you aren’t a fan of the saga, but if you are, it gets even cooler. When you lay eyes on this thing, you can’t help but be entranced by all the different design cues that bring it together that make it a really special automobile.

If you follow along in the video below, you’ll get some insight as to how exactly something like this comes together. Jay Leno has a couple of the people behind it on an episode of Jay Leno’s Garage and they talk about everything from where exactly the ideas for the design came from and how they developed them, all the way down to how they made everything fit into this puzzle and actually function, including a little bit about the chassis that it’s built off of as well!

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