Search Results - Lucid Air Why Your Car's Outside Temperature Sensor Always Seems To Be Wrong!When in idle traffic, you often look at your... Temperature Video: This Guy Used His Insane Talent To Build A V8 Engine With Throttle Out Of Paper!This model is almost completely made of pape... Engine Video: Spectators With No Fear In Their Bones Getting As Close As Possible To Some Intense Rally Action!One of the things that sets rallying apart f... As Video: The Craziest Porsche Panamera You'll Ever See!This is for sure the craziest Porsche Paname... Panamera Video: How To Make An Exhaust Video That Isn't TrashThe guys at AfterGNARket are tired of watchi... Exhaust Video: Porsche 912 Wr - The Real Flying Dutchmann Finally Appears!Classic Porsches are some of the greatest gi... Porsche Can The Mythbusters Get A Rocket-Powered Car To Fly A Mile?And now for something completely different! ... Mythbusters < 12