Home / Automotive / Cars / ACURA Has Issued Two Safety Recalls For The NSX


Around 1000 Acura NSX's have been recalled in the United States for two faults, one of which can potentially cause the car to go up in flames.

Automotive recalls seem to have increased over the last decade by quite a serious amount, from airbag issues to breaks and even electronics. But it seems as if the motor companies take this very seriously and consistently deal with rectifying these matters promptly.

The other fault for which the mighty NSX is being recalled is a glitch with the high-mount brake light. It could short-circuit and blow the brake light fuse, deactivating all the brake lights. Given how quickly these things can stop, working brake lights are probably quite necessary, wouldn't you say?

Acura says 793 cars are affected and all owners of cars with either problem will be contacted by phone – which is tip-top service from the Honda company.

ACURA Has Issued Two Safety Recalls For The NSX 2

It’s very likely that the problems also affect cars delivered in other global markets, but we have no information at this time as to whether the NSX will be recalled worldwide.

The media has reached out to Honda UK, if any further information is released, we will keep you informed.

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