This BMW M2 was an insurance write-off and was picked up at an auction for peanuts. This video is just one of the series, but it's interesting because the guys at BackYardBoyz show us how to panel-beat and replace a rear three-quarter panel.
Many of the rebuild videos we see involve modification work that often includes replacing parts with aftermarket ones. It's not often we get to see guys actually panel beating a car to its original condition.
This BMW M2 was purchased from an auction with damage to the front and rear. Earlier videos showed us much of what we've seen before, replacing bent suspension parts, fixing lights and so on.
This time, though, we get to see the BackYardBoys replace the rear three-quarter panes, with a great description of all the steps they take to get everything fitting perfectly. There's a ton of cutting, welding and hammering, and it's not something we get to see very often.
So, what are you waiting for? Hit the play button and enjoy the show!