Take a look at this DIY install guide on how to get different horn notes for your car.
If you think about it, there are currently only two ways to communicate with other drivers on the road. One is with your indicators and the other is with your horn. That is if you don't count flipping someone off with your middle finger, which sure happens from time to time, but hey!
The horn is like texting someone without using any emoji's. It is very easy to misinterpret someone's meaning. Say, for example, you're at a red light with someone in front of you. The light turns green and they don't notice. What do you do? Well, you honk your horn, but that tone may come across as aggressive.
So, what you can do is custom fit a few horn sounds. These range from a quick and polite double honk, right through the meanest and most aggressive train horn sound! Each one of these are custom wired to a different horn button in the dashboard where you can access it anytime. And, to keep things safe on the roads, your normal steering wheel horn will still work for emergencies.
Take a look at the video below by YouTube channel, Mark Rober, on the Nicest Car Horn Ever - DIY.
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