If you're a V8 petrol loving internal combustion enthusiast, you might be quite taken back by this title and rightfully so. But there is a good reason as to why electric vehicles might be getting faster speed limits in the near future.
What might the reasons for this be? Well, studies have shown that internal combustion engines use more fuel over 55 mph, hence why a lot of motorways in the European Union have now got speed limits of 50 mph. Because it's better for the environment. But how would you feel if you have just bought an electric vehicle that produces no emissions whatsoever?
A couple of countries and districts have already implemented higher speed limits for electric cars as a result and test results have proven that the air quality is substantially better.
But in recent discussions and debates around the Air Pollution Control Act in Europe brought forward a counterargument saying that although EV's produce no emissions, they still require more energy to travel faster and the majority of EV's still get their energy from non-renewable sources.
Take a look at the video below by the YouTube channel: Auto Trader on Why Electric Cars Are Getting A Faster Speed Limit...
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